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Security for Residential Properties

Whether you are a home owner or a landlord, you want to make sure that your residential property is safe and secure. As a home owner, you want to ensure the security of your family and yourself, and as a landlord, you want to ensure the security of your tenants and assure them that their security is your top priority. There are various ways in which you can secure your residential property and the kind of security that you wish to provide to your family or tenants depends on the kind of property and what basic needs you want fulfilled. Here are a few ways in which you can provide additional security to your property.

Know Your Surroundings

The first thing you can do is talk to your neighbors. This is especially true if you are a home owner in a neighborhood. As you move, get acquainted with your neighbors, talk to them about the security of the neighborhood, and make friends. In this manner, you can look after them and they can look after you in cases of emergencies. It can also be great if you are away since you know that your neighbors are looking out for your home and you would do the same for them.

Keyless Entry

Another way to secure a residential property is to look at all the entry points of a home and see how they can be more secure. This means that you can take a look at all the locks and determine ones that need to replaced or updated. You can even update to keyless systems by having manual locks and keys removed and a new system installed in your home. If you have a garage and you have just moved in, if it has an existing code, make sure to change it. If you need help in such tasks, you can always contact a reliable locksmith service like Waukesha Locksmith Master in Waukesha, WI and our professionals will be more than happy to assist you in a job like this.

Deadbolts, Chain Locks, Intercom Systems

If you are a landlord with tenants that reside in one building, you want to make sure that all entry points leading into the building are secure. All the doors should be heavy-duty, high quality doors that cannot be broken into, and glass doors are usually not recommended, since they not only reduce privacy but are also easy to break. All main doors should also have reinforced security, such as deadbolt locks. These can usually only be opened from the inside in cases of emergencies and this blocks access to burglars and criminals. Inside a tenant’s residence, chain locks are ideal since they would not have to pull open the door entirely. Peepholes can also be convenient and useful. Having a big number of tenants means more people in one building, hence higher security, in which case an intercom system is ideal since tenants being buzzed from the main entry can take a look at who it is and then press a button or give them a code to let them in.

Good Lighting

Proper lighting can also go a long way. Whether it is indoor or outdoor lighting, it can help with providing your residential property with increased security. Make sure to have hall lights and lights in your stairwell. You can keep these on when you leave the house, making it seem like someone is home. Outdoor lights can be motion activated or can be turned on manually. The kind you go for depends on your preference. If you wish to keep an eye on your backyard or your driveway, you can install motion activated lights. If you only wish to have a porch light on, you can always turn that on manually in the evenings.

After you have taken care of the basics of security, you can look into further options and determine ways to make your home more secure. Even if you do not want to invest in a security system, you can take precautions by installing blinds on your windows and reinforcing your doors and windows with additional locks so that they cannot be forced open. With technological advancements making security easier and more accessible, you can set up an app so that you can turn on your lights when you are not at home, set the alarm, open and close your garage door, all by just tapping on your smartphone.

Cameras and Alarms

For big residential buildings, a security system is a must. Security cameras are essential and they should cover all areas of the building, making sure that there are no blind spots. Indoor security cameras are also great in the case of someone making it inside the building. Along with security cameras, alarm systems are also highly recommended. If you have a bigger residential property, you can also hire a security guard to look after your home at night, and if you are a landlord, to be at the building 24/7.

If you are a home owner, it would be ideal to have a security system installed. It does make being safe a lot simpler. However, if you do not wish to invest in an elaborate security system, you can always set up a wireless alarm system. This can usually be done by yourself, and even if it is a simple option, it can get the job done. All that happens in such an alarm system is that when it is triggered, it sets off a loud alarm, alerting the home owners without failure.

When you own or reside in a residential property, you want to make sure that security comes first. You may live in a safe neighborhood but taking precautions is always ideal. You do not want to take the risk of experiencing something traumatic before taking steps to secure your family or your tenants or yourself. Therefore, make sure to cover the basics and go from there. Locksmiths can easily help in such scenarios, and if you do not know where to start, they can come and take a preliminary look at your property to make recommendations that suit your security needs best.
